Beyond Views: How YouTube Videos Transform Business Strategies
March 28, 20243 Key Tips Before You Start Your Website Project
April 10, 2024Good day. So you are a small business owner and you are wondering where is going to be your best ROI when it comes to marketing? ROI is return on investment. If you didn't know, I'm sure you did. The answer is,
Hey there, I'm Garik Goodell. Welcome to the G Squared Studio YouTube channel. And the answer is email marketing. It has been email marketing for a while and I think it's going to be email marketing for quite a while until email is a whole new ball game due to technology changes that I'm sure will occur someday. But today it's email marketing. So in this video I'm going to share with you the reasons email marketing is so powerful, but that I'm also going to share with you some of the best approaches and things to do to grow your email list for your business. Let's dive in. First, let's take a quick comparison of ROI. Let's just use Google as an example versus email marketing. So every dollar spent in email marketing returns on average, a $42 return. That is a really good investment. On average, every dollar spent on Google ads returns a $2.
That's still absolutely worth it. If I had a machine where I could put in a dollar and get $2 back and I could do that all day long, pulling the crank on the machine, I would do that. That'd be amazing. I would have lots of money in a really sore arm, but email marketing, I'd much rather have that machine where I can put in a dollar and pull out $42. I wouldn't have to work as hard, and you don't have to work as hard with email marketing as long as you're providing value. Okay, let's talk about another element CPA or clicks per action. That is how many clicks or how much it costs per click to actually get an action to occur. Whatever that next step is, you want people to take in your call to action CTA. So many acronyms today. So on average for a Google, lemme just look here, make sure my numbers are right. Google ads. The average CPA across all industries is around $48 for search ads and around $75 per display ad if you have high ticket item, that is not bad at all. It still could be a great machine to put your money into, but guess how much it costs CPA per email?
$0. $0. You already have these people in your email list. You can send them emails for free currently, and hopefully this never changes. Sending emails cost you nothing. It might cost a little bit of money for your management system, for your emails, but actually sending those emails $0. So that's a really good return investment. I would love just to spend $0 and just have money coming in. That'd be the best machine. Okay, and let's talk about the third thing here. Really, the most important thing is building long-term relationships. Putting ads out there can get people to come into your system where then you can foster that relationship, but you're not really fostering it by putting ads out there. You might already have a client that has worked with you that then sees your ad and gets reminded of your existence and then can freshen into their brain that they should do business with you again or purchase that next product or service or whatever they need.
But by doing email marketing, you are really, really fostering that relationship. You are reminding those people, your business exists and you're there to help them. But you typically and best approach with email marketing, with what you're sending out to people, you're providing value, you're fostering the relationship. You're giving them things that they can use around your industry that can help them live a better life, make more money in their business, have things they desire. Truly nothing beats email marketing if you are focusing on providing value to your clients to create that long-term relationship with them. Okay, so you want to do email marketing. Where do you start? You start by growing your list. That is the place to start. If you don't have people to email market to, then what's the point of email marketing? So you got to grow that list. I'm going to tell you the three things to do and the number one thing not to do when it comes to growing your email list, the number one thing to do to grow your list is to create what many people call is a lead magnet.
You give the most valuable thing you feel comfortable doing for free and exchange for their email. So download this PDF that gives you all the information you need to live a better life. Get access to this video, get access to this free course. These are all great things that could be providing really high level value, but then you get their email and then you have the ability to connect with them and provide more value. So when they're ready to do business with someone in your industry, they're going to choose you because you've already given them so much peace of mind. So that's the number one thing to do. What is that free piece of value you can give away that's related to your industry? That's going to easily make them not question exchanging their email for that tidbit tip, PDF video course, whatever it is.
Number two is having regular content that you're putting out that is high value. So when someone comes to your website, they interact with that piece of content, maybe they are searching something specific in your industry. Let's say you're a dog groomer and if you have a dog, you know how annoying it is to try and cut your dog's nails and you have a great article on helping people be able to trim their dog's nails at home and there's Google searching. What's the easiest way to trim my dog's nails? They get your article on that. They see that they get great value from it. They maybe see you have a couple other articles that are valuable to them and now it's a no brainer for them to sign up for your newsletter because you've given them value. That is the second best way. Create regular content and have people sign up once they see the value in that content to then get more of that content in the future.
And then number three is utilizing social media. And really it's best to have number two already occurring or have one and two, and you're promoting one of those things out there. You're either promoting giveaway your lead magnet, or you're promoting your regular content that you're creating on social media to then lead them back and get them to sign up. So those are the three things. Have a lead magnet, create regular content and then promote it out on social media so people can come back and justify signing up, exchanging an email for high value that your business is providing. And then here it is the number one thing not to do. Do not just have a popup come up on your website three seconds into someone visiting your site, asking them to join your newsletter. They don't know you yet. You're basically asking them to marry you without even dating you yet it's not the right step.
You are asking too much. Wait for them to engage. Make sure you're putting on your website that regular content. Have them go there and then you can ask them if they want to sign up for the newsletter, put it in the right hand column, put it at the base or the bottom of all your regular pieces of content and then ask them to sign up. Give them value. Then ask. Don't just ask as soon as they hit your website. It's just feels like spam. It makes your business feel aggressive. It's not a good approach. Do not do it. There you go. That is why you should be using email marketing to grow your business. It is still the best thing out there. Those are the three best ways to grow your list. And then get it out there. Please let me know down in the comments if you want to follow up video to this about how to actually put together email campaigns to make sure you're providing value to people on a regular basis. I'd love to do that video. Let me know if you have any questions down in the comments. Hit that like button smash, the subscribe as everybody says. And I hope you have a great day and great success.